Is early loan repayment good?

Is Early Loan Repayment Good ?

Early Loan Repayment

Early loan repayment, also known as loan prepayment or early loan settlement, is a financial choice that can affect borrowers and lenders in different ways. Through this procedure, borrowers can settle their loan balance early and avoid penalties. Despite the seemingly simple nature of the choice, there are a number of factors to take into account, including the possible advantages and disadvantages for each party.


There will always be ups and downs in life, and occasionally you may find yourself in need of a little extra cash. In situations like these, a loan is useful. However, on rare occasions, your financial circumstances might improve faster than expected, enabling you to pay off a sizable portion of the loan and eliminate as much debt as you can.Reducing the total interest charges by paying off your debt sooner will help you spend less time in debt. Everything is going well so far. However, educate yourself on a few facts before you flash a wad of cash and walk into the bank. 

What is loan repayment ?

Repayment of a loan is the process of giving back money borrowed over a predetermined time period, usually with interest. A number of financial organizations, including banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), oversee the loan repayment process. There is a set process for loan repayment, regardless of the type of credit you have taken out—personal, home, education, or otherwise.


Pros of Early loan Repayment

  1. Interest Saving : Saving a lot of money on interest is one of the main advantages of loan payback early. Over time, interest is accumulated on loans; however, borrowers can lower their total interest paid by making principal payments early.
  2. Financial Freedom: Early loan repayment provides borrowers with a sense of financial freedom leads to less strain on your monthly budget. It eliminates the burden of monthly payments, allowing individuals to allocate their funds to other financial goals, such as investments, savings, or additional debt repayment.
  3. Better Credit Score: A borrower’s credit score can be raised by successfully repaying a loan early. A positive credit profile is a result of making on-time payments and practicing responsible money management. This can pay off in the long run for upcoming financial undertakings.
  4. Negotiating Power: Prepayment penalties or clauses are attached to certain loans. It may be simpler to bargain with the lender to have these penalties waived or reduced when borrowers are in good financial standing.
  5. Avoid the chance of defaulting: If you make an early loan repayment, the likelihood of defaulting will be reduced. This can be a good thing for those people who are worried about their credit score and how it will affect them. You can avoid being on the list of those who have defaulted on their loan, which will help you get a good credit rating.

  6.  Opportunities to get new and better loans:  Sometimes it’s impossible to pay off a loan entirely during the fixed period, or you need to make a new loan of a different term length. If you take the opportunity to pay off your old loan early, you can be eligible for a better loan with better terms.

Cons of Early loan Repayment

  1. Prepayment Charges : Although there are no fines associated with early loan repayment, you will still be assessed an early repayment fee. Since these costs can be substantial, you might be discouraged from paying early. There is no reason why the charge shouldn’t be less than what is normally charged if you have to make multiple early loan payments. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of the loan will also fluctuate, so you should do your math before committing to anything.
  2. You lose the advantage of reducing balance interest : If you are making loan payments on time, it may not be a wise decision to make an early loan payment. This is due to the fact that early loan repayment will not result in the benefit of lower balance interest. This implies that rather than paying off the entire debt, you will pay more in interest when your loan balance is lowered. You shouldn’t worry about paying off your debt early if you haven’t yet; this is only applicable to borrowers who are making progress.
  3. Opportunity Cost: The funds used for early loan repayment could potentially be invested elsewhere for a higher return. Borrowers should weigh the opportunity cost of using these funds to settle the loan against other investment options.
  4. Liquidity Concerns: Using available funds for early loan repayment may reduce liquidity. It’s essential to ensure that there is still sufficient cash on hand for emergencies or unforeseen expenses

Do's before Making an Early Loan Payment

Before you make an early loan payment, there are a few things you should do. The first step is to find out the available payment options for your specific loan by getting in touch with your lender and the financial aid office. To ensure that the amount is paid consistently, it would be preferable to pay the entire balance in one go. In order to obtain a new loan with a different term or a lower interest rate, it would be beneficial if you also discussed with your lender the possibility of paying off the current loan in full sooner. The following are some things to think about before making an early loan

1. Ensure your monthly expenses before early loan repayment

Looking at your current budget can help you determine the total amount you will be spending on these expenses if you are unsure about your monthly spending. Repayment of the loan should be made early if you have at least 35% of the total amount due. The remaining amount will be added to your loan balance, with a maximum repayment of 50% of the initial amount.

2. Check for penalities on early loan prepayment

Verify any fees or penalties associated with early repayment in the loan agreement. In order to make up for the interest they would have received had the loan been extended to its predetermined term, some lenders charge fees.

3. Assess the savings you can achieve by making early payments.

Additionally, figure out how much interest you will save by making early payments as opposed to regular ones. If you have sufficient funds in your account, it is acceptable to make an early payment. However, unless you are applying for a new credit card or loan, there is no need to make an early payment if you do not have enough money.


Paying back a loan early is a financial decision that needs to be carefully thought through. Borrowers need to be aware of potential disadvantages like prepayment penalties and lost tax deductions, even though it offers advantages like interest savings and financial freedom. Understanding the terms of the loan, talking with the lender, and evaluating one’s own financial objectives are all crucial to making an informed decision about early loan repayment.

To sum up, the choice to pay back a loan early should be in line with personal financial goals and overall stability. Borrowers can make well-informed decisions that support their long-term financial well-being by weighing the advantages and disadvantages.

2 thoughts on “Is early loan repayment good?”

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